Thermal Transfer Ribbons/ Barcode Ribbons
Wax Ribbon (Commonly use in retailer and supermarket)
Standard grade – low energy print with normal scratch resistance
General- purpose thermal transfer ribbon, this ribbon can produce prints at a high speed and produces stable, high quality prints. Goods resistance to abrasion. This ribbon manufactured from base-film coated heat-sentivite transferable ink and back coat ink for heat resistance and smooth printing on the other side.
Premium grade – low energy print with high scratch resistance
Resin- enhanced Premium wax provides high sensitivity, excellent print density, and high definition, covering a wide range of labels.
Color Ribbons (Available in Blue, Green and Red)

Wax Resin Ribbon (Better scratch resistance for industry use)
Standard grade – low energy print with good scratch resistance
This mid-range gives excellent smear resistance and high print density and defination.
Premium grade – higher energy print with excellent scratch resistance
This ribbon offers superior smudge and scratch resistance. Will hold up to IPA and other household clearners. Excellent for shipping, warehouse, textile and apparel applications. Available are ribbons for conventional flat print head and near-edge print head.
Premium Near Edge ribbon
Resin Ribbon (Resist to scratches, heat, chemical, wash care)
Premium grade – Excellent smear, scratch and solvent resistant
This ribbon is a sensationally high performance resin formula with outstanding print quality, excellent abrasion, stream, heat (150°C on polyester, 330°C on polyamide) resistance and a wide variety of chemicals. UL and CUL registered.
White Color Resin
Wash Care Ribbon
Minimum Order Quantity : Minimum 2 runs per size based on full jumbo roll width without side run/ wastage
Product Measurement : Ribbon and Core Width (mm) x Length (M) x Core ID (1/2” or 1”)
Unit Price : Depend on ribbon length and calculate base on m2 price. 10% up-charge for length below 200m